Criteria and Credentialing
Dear Practitioner:
It is a pleasure to provide you with information regarding Mount Carmel Health Partners. Mount Carmel Health Partners LLC has been formed to develop a Clinically Integrated provider-driven network for the purpose of providing high quality and cost efficient health care services to patients.
It is the policy of Mount Carmel Health Partners that healthcare practitioners meeting the established criteria for membership may be considered without discrimination on an equal opportunity basis without regard to an applicant's race, color, ethnic/national identity, ancestry, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, military status, genetic information, health status or type of procedure or patient in which the provider specializes. The scope of practitioners include: (MDs. DOs, DDS', DMDs, and DPMs, PhD in Psychology, and Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) (CNPs, CNS', CNMs, CRNAs and PAs).
Practitioner Rights: At any time throughout the Health Partners credentialing process you may request the status of your application at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All communication between (to and from) a practitioner and Health Partners must be by electronically, fax or certified mail-return receipt (ORC 3963.06(D)). A staff member will respond to you in writing via email, fax or mail-certified return receipt within 21 days of the request. You will also be given the opportunity to correct any erroneous information, to challenge or explain a variance when there is a discrepancy identified in the information obtained from primary sources to what is reported on your CAQH application, review information we obtain from outside sources, upon request (this excludes peer review protected information, in compliance with federal or state law, recommendations and references, if applicable) in your credentialing application. You will be notified should the correction process be necessary in writing via email, fax or mail-certified return receipt by a staff member and be provided 14 days to respond via email, fax or mail-certified return receipt to the staff member requesting the information or to the department email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. which is monitored throughout the business day.
Health Partners is participating in managed care agreements; including MediGold and Trinity Health Associate Health Plan at Mount Carmel Health System (MCHS). You will have the opportunity to accept or reject participation in each contract. At no time are you obligated to accept a payor contract.
The following are eligibility criteria:
- Current CAQH application must be on file with CAQH Proview with a current attestation within the past 30 days. Please ensure Mount Carmel Health Partners and Mount Carmel Health System is added to your list of affiliated plans. You can find information on the CAQH application process at www.caqhproview.org.
- A Participating Provider Agreement document, if applicable, must be completed. This includes the applicable credentialing fee.
- A current, valid active license, certified, or registered to practice in the state of Ohio
- Current federal DEA registration and Ohio controlled substance license (if applicable).
- Education and training: Successful completion of an approved postgraduate training program in the specialty in which he/she is practicing after completion of professional degree. APPs must meet training requirements set forth by their respective discipline.
- Current board certification by the appropriate specialty Board, American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), American Osteopathic Board (AOA), American Board of Dentistry, American Board of Podiatric Medicine (ABPM), American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ABFAS), American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (ABOMP), National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), certification board approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing, or proof that you have met the requirements for examination for certification by the respective specialty Board. Board certification must be attained within the timeframe set by each member board not to exceed 7 years from the completion of residency training. Once attained, all specialties must maintain Board Certification and MOC/OCC requirements as specified by the respective board. Board Certification exception criteria may be referenced in Policy CR1 Credentialing Policies page 5 and 6.
- Current, valid professional liability insurance coverage in the amounts of 1M/3M.
- Except as disclosed in writing to and accepted by Health Partners Credentialing Committee, the practitioner has not had entered against it/him/her a final judgement in a malpractice action based on an allegation of malpractice nor had any action based on any allegation of malpractice settled by payment to a plantiff of an aggregate of more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars (100,000).
- Except as disclosed in writing to and accepted by the Health Partners Credentialing Committee, has not been the subject of any report or disclosure submitted to the National Practitioners Data Bank.
- Health Partners does not enroll a practitioner for membership with a record of conviction of, Medicare, Medicaid, or insurance fraud and abuse, or exclusion/sanction from such programs. Health Partners does not enroll a practitioner for membership that has opted-out of Medicare (Medicare Opt Out (Part B) participation. The Practitioner has never been debarred, suspended, declared ineligible or excluded from Medicare, Medicaid or other governmental health care programs and no material exists between it/him/her and Medicare, Medicaid or other government health care programs that could result in debarment, suspension, ineligibility or exclusion from said programs. Further, has never been convicted of a health care related criminal offense.
- Hospital Affiliation – Each Participating Practitioner (Allied Health Practitioners and Physicians) must hold current and unrestricted allied health or medical staff (as applicable) privileges at one or more Participating Hospitals unless one of the following exceptions applies:
- The Participating Practitioner does not treat his/her patients in the hospital in-patient or hospital outpatient setting; and/or
- The Participating Practitioner's primary medical practice location is outside of Franklin County, that is, more than 75% of the Participating Practitioner's patient contact hours occur at a location(s) outside of Franklin County; or
- The Participating Practitioner is a Participating Physician whose specialty is pediatrics and he/she is employed by, or contracted through, Partners for Kids. Any Participating Practitioner that falls within the second exception above must hold current and unrestricted allied health or medical staff (as applicable) privileges at a hospital located in the same county as his/her primary medical practice location, unless such Participating Practitioner does not treat patients in a hospital in-patient, hospital outpatient setting.
- All Practitioners (MDs, DOs, DPMs, DMD/DDS) with or without a hospital affiliation must provide a network cross- coverage designee or arrangements for inpatient admissions. This information is obtained from the CAQH or from the applicant. Coverage by a hospitalist group at a local hospital is acceptable coverage.
- Except as disclosed in writing to and accepted by the Health Partners Credentialing Committee, the practitioner has never been denied membership or reappointment of membership on the medical staff or allied health staff of any hospital, and no hospital medical staff or allied health staff membership or clinical privileges of Physician/Advanced Practice Provider has ever been suspended, curtailed, or revoked.
- Work History- Practitioner CAQH application and/or CV must provide at minimum the most recent five (5) years of professional work history in month/year format. Applicants with fewer than 5 years' work history; the timeframe starts at the initial licensure date. Any gap greater than 6 months must be accounted for by applicant with the initial application. Any gap greater than (1) year must be clarified in writing by the applicant with the initial application. Work history will be reviewed at recredentialing to detect any change in a practitioner's practice information.
- For each Participating Advanced Practice Provider, must be:
- Employed by, or contracted with, MCHS, a Participating Physician, or a Participating Physician's medical practice.
- In the case of a PA, have a valid supervision agreement in force with the State of Ohio Medical Board and with a Participating Provider.
- In the case of an advanced practice registered nurse who is a CNP, CNS, or CNM, have a valid standard care arrangement in place with a collaborating Participating Provider.
- In the case of a CRNA must have a supervising provider that is a Participating Provider.
The Health Partners Credentialing Department Team is available to assist with any credentialing questions. All physician application questions please contact Justin Wolf @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All APP questions please contact Cheryl Almendinger @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Payor contracting questions, please contact Kelly Rogers @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you for considering membership with Mount Carmel Health Partners.